Today I am goiseng to look in to making sure that your wordpress site is optimised for the sesrch engines and by doing these basic things you will only improve your search engine rankings with the help of many experts using online rephraser tool.
When you create your blog title make sure that you include your main keyword in it. Try and make it into a compelling title that not only keeps the search engines happy but also makes your reader want to read on. Those are some of the fundamentals points of SEO. I worked with SEO QLD company, they touted themselves as the digital marketing agency you can rely on. They were very knowledgeable, much more than I was when they took me on. Eventually I took care of business for myself within the same field. I learned many things along the way, and I hope to pass some of those on here.
When you create your wordpress site you should have already installed the “all in one SEO” plugin its free to install and its by far the best wordpress SEO plugin that SEO Service Brisbane uses.
When All In One SEO Plugin has been installed you need to make sure that you set the home page title, description and the keywords. Like before you need to make sure that the home page title and description have your main keywords in them. Also you need to try and get some of your other keywords in there to :-)
Within Money Site Maker:
Make sure to include your main keyword in all of the fields that allow…
When Creating Your Content:
When you write your content for your site you need to make sure that your posts are 400 words or more and make sure that you include your main keyword and also related keyword throughout the posts as this gives the search engines the Latent symantic indexing (LSI) it was looking for.
Some people say to include your keyword once every hundred words but I like to just write my articles and then tweak them afterwards as I feel that the reader is more important than the search engines, and with the Search Engine Optimization Agency Brisbane you can find and work with any business you need. I also aim for about 3% keyword density, other gurus reckon 1% but once again there is no definitive answer.
You need to make sure that sprinkle related search terms throughout your article and you can use the google keyword tool to find such keywords relating to your main keyword. Learn some useful examples from this SEO Reseller
Backlink Building:
I have spoke about back link building in the past and its importance, I have even written a book on it which you can get here…
Working Man’s Web Domination
In my opinion any link is worth having, whether it is a do fllow or a no follow a backlink is a backlink. Some experts only get do follow links but to me this seems a little un-natural so I like to get a mixture. The one thing I d try and do though is only get links from sites that have a page rank rating of more than one as this gives me the certainty that the site is liked by google and also the higher the page rank of the site you are linking from the better for you as you get a lot of credibility from the links. I’d recommend using https://webzy.io/ for more ideas on the subject and a more professional work.
This is just a basic guide to SEO on wordpress, I will be going into a lot of detail over the coming weeks. But these are the basics and if you are not doing these yet then I would consider looking at them and starting right away. SEO is one of the most important factors of having a website online and you would not believe the amount of people who don’t do any SEO what so ever and they look surprised when their site does not appear in google and they are not making millions of pounds a day online, if you want to be one of those people contact the Boston SEO Company today.
I hope this has been of some help to you.
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