Hi all i just downloaded a wordpress app for my mobile phone so that i can create posts while on the move.
I am planning a huge journey in a few months where i will need to travel light and that carrying a laptop is not going to be an option so i will have to use my mobile phone to create posts and to update the blog with photos etc.
It should work out quite well especially as i am finding it quite easy ti write on my mobile phone at the moment and that i am not making too many mistakes.
The journey i am planning is a 1500 mile tour of the uk starting from John Ogroats and ending in lands end and we have about 3 weeks to do it in. Oh did i mention that i am doing it in a bicycle? Yep its going to be hard work and very tiring but i am hoping the experience is going to top everything i have ever done. It is also a great way to see the uk especially as we will be leaving soon for another country.
Well fingers crossed this message is readable as i have done it all from my phone
Oh and here is the bike i am doing it on.
wahooo it works quite well that wordpress app :-)
I have been using this app for coming up 3 weeks now and I love it… Its definitely a must for any blog owners :-)